type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Life Hazard, length: 50
Coded Values:
[1: Low (Less than 25 occupants)]
[2: Medium (25 to 99 occupants)]
[3: High (100 or more occupants)]
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Community Impact, length: 50
Coded Values:
[1: Minor (minor casuality/family loss)]
[2: Moderate (high casualty / job loss / tax / food store)]
[3: Severe - Irreplaceable]
, ...2 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Water Supply, length: 50
Coded Values:
[1: 2 Hydrants at 1000 GPM or over]
[2: 1 Hydrants at 1000 GPM or more and 1 less than 1000 GPM]
[3: 0 or 1 hydrant less than 1000 GPM]
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Building Usage, length: 50
Coded Values:
[1: Office / Small Business]
[2: Residential]
[3: Industrial / High Life Hazard / Large Business]
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Number of Stories, length: 50
Coded Values:
[1: Single Story Building]
[2: Two Story Building]
[3: Three or More Stories (or 40 feet high or more)]
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Square Footage, length: 50
Coded Values:
[1: 7,500 Sq Ft or less]
[2: 7,501 to 14,999 Sq Ft]
[3: 15,000 Sq Ft or more]
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Life Hazard, length: 50
Coded Values:
[1: Low (Less than 25 occupants)]
[2: Medium (25 to 99 occupants)]
[3: High (100 or more occupants)]
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Community Impact, length: 50
Coded Values:
[1: Minor (minor casuality/family loss)]
[2: Moderate (high casualty / job loss / tax / food store)]
[3: Severe - Irreplaceable]
, ...2 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Water Supply, length: 50
Coded Values:
[1: 2 Hydrants at 1000 GPM or over]
[2: 1 Hydrants at 1000 GPM or more and 1 less than 1000 GPM]
[3: 0 or 1 hydrant less than 1000 GPM]
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Building Usage, length: 50
Coded Values:
[1: Office / Small Business]
[2: Residential]
[3: Industrial / High Life Hazard / Large Business]
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Number of Stories, length: 50
Coded Values:
[1: Single Story Building]
[2: Two Story Building]
[3: Three or More Stories (or 40 feet high or more)]
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Square Footage, length: 50
Coded Values:
[1: 7,500 Sq Ft or less]
[2: 7,501 to 14,999 Sq Ft]
[3: 15,000 Sq Ft or more]
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Life Hazard, length: 50
Coded Values:
[1: Low (Less than 25 occupants)]
[2: Medium (25 to 99 occupants)]
[3: High (100 or more occupants)]
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Community Impact, length: 50
Coded Values:
[1: Minor (minor casuality/family loss)]
[2: Moderate (high casualty / job loss / tax / food store)]
[3: Severe - Irreplaceable]
, ...2 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Water Supply, length: 50
Coded Values:
[1: 2 Hydrants at 1000 GPM or over]
[2: 1 Hydrants at 1000 GPM or more and 1 less than 1000 GPM]
[3: 0 or 1 hydrant less than 1000 GPM]
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Building Usage, length: 50
Coded Values:
[1: Office / Small Business]
[2: Residential]
[3: Industrial / High Life Hazard / Large Business]
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Number of Stories, length: 50
Coded Values:
[1: Single Story Building]
[2: Two Story Building]
[3: Three or More Stories (or 40 feet high or more)]
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Square Footage, length: 50
Coded Values:
[1: 7,500 Sq Ft or less]
[2: 7,501 to 14,999 Sq Ft]
[3: 15,000 Sq Ft or more]